Feature and Follow Friday (3)

Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by both Alison Can Read Parakunkee’s View. The point of Feature & Follow Friday is to gain blog followers for book bloggers.  You can find more info about this meme here.

Q: What do you do with your books after you are done reading them?

I usually keep them, but I’m hoping to cull some soon! I’m a pack rat and I’m trying to change my ways! I obviously want to keep books I love! I love rereading good stories, especially if I’m in a slump and need a pick me up. There isn’t enough space for all the books, especially ones I do not feel attached to! Plus, it would be nice to sell some and get money for new books!

I have been trying to reread some to decide if they should stay or go, I started a feature-type-thing called To Keep or Not but I’ve gotten off track with books I haven’t read! My mom also just (this week) brought me a few crates full of books from my childhood that I need to go through, I plan on giving some to my nieces, donating some, and probably keeping a few I can’t bare to part with!

What do you do? Are you a hoarder or are you good at letting go? Link me your posts, readers!

You can follow me on Bloglovin, RSS, WordPress, or through email. Whichever you prefer is fine with me! If you’d like you can also add me on twitter or goodreads!

29 thoughts on “Feature and Follow Friday (3)

  1. It’s so hard to part with books! I keep mine, but for the rare book I didn’t enjoy I donate it to the library and then they sell it to benefit the library. So it’s all works!

    Here’s my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • I got rid of some of my Sweet Valley books when I went to college, it was the Senior Year series but I kind of regret it. I might part with some of my Animorphs books. My mom is a teacher and I let her use some of my Babysitters Club books in her classroom. The sad life of a pack rat and book hoarder!

  2. I feel ya! I have to consciously tell myself not to be a packrat or else I totally am. 😀 Thanks for stopping by my blog. Now following you via bloglovin. 😀 Happy Friday!

    • Exactly, every time I move or rearrange I wonder why I have so much stuff, so I’ve been trying to make a real effort to be better about letting go! Thanks for stopping by mine and following!

  3. Oh man! I wish my mom had kept more of my childhood books! I think she gave most of them to my sisters and gave the rest away to an elementary school 😦 At least its a good cause…

    • My mom knows how important books are to me, there’s a lot of stuff she might try to get rid of but never books! I was really excited to see them all again! Sorry yours are gone, but hopefully your sisters and the kids at the school enjoy them!

  4. Wow, it sounds like you have a lot of books!! I think I still have my childhood books somewhere, but I can’t remember where I put them. They’re probably in a box in the basement lol. Thanks for stopping by my FF. New follower via bloglovin!

    • I do have a bit (I need to make a list so I know how many!) but I also don’t have much shelf space or storage space for them! Hopefully I can get rid of some soon and they’ll all fit better. Thanks for stopping by mine and following!

  5. Hello! New follower. I look forward to your future posts! http://bookcovereviews.blogspot.com

    eBooks: I archive. I only delete if they are free or if I really disliked them
    Physical: Overflow on my bookshelf, which is unfortunately in my closet. I dream of the day when I can have my own library in my house. Until then, I save my books so that I can create said library 😉

    The great thing about eBooks is that no one can tell that I’m a book hoarder and judge me 😉

    On some occasions I will give books to the library or local schools.

Comments are greatly appreciated and I try to reply to each one! I'm no longer accepting awards, but I appreciate the thought!