Tagged – The Book Blogger’s Test

The awesome Cayce from Fighting Dreamer tagged me in this test! I really like reading posts like this with fun answers but I’m pretty terrible at thinking up answers, though later I will think of several fitting ones!

What are your top three book pet hates?

1. Text/chat speak in texts. This might have been fitting at the beginning of texting when texts could only be so long and you were charged per text, but now I can write a novel through text and I don’t text with anyone who says “what time will u be here?” or “what r u doing?” unless they’re being ironic. I know some people probably do text this way, and I know people tweet and type that way on facebook, but it still bugs me.

2. Guys that are overly OVERLY affectionate. Sometimes when guys are super gushy in books, it just makes me roll my eyes. I think it has a lot to do with the writing, and makes the emotion feel less than genuine to me, which makes it all fall flat. I know guys can be affectionate, but I don’t always believe the writing.

3.Language that doesn’t fit the character. When a character is narrating but the author uses words they wouldn’t know/shows information they wouldn’t have. Sometimes it’s easy to tell that what’s going on doesn’t fit the character’s way of telling the story, so I’ll wish the author had written it a different way, or figured something else out. ALSO when some characters use super correct grammar and you can tell they wouldn’t normally. A lot of people don’t give a flip about who/whom in everyday conversation, so why would a random teenager just use whom?

Describe your perfect reading spot.

My bed, haha. I read the most in bed. I like reading at night before I sleep!

Tell us three book confessions.

I have no idea! I am bad at confessions, so these will be lame.

1. I am really weird about spoilers for books I am excited about  but don’t really care about random books. But sometimes reading spoilers for books I don’t care about will make me more interested in them.

2.  I always feel really negative and picky about books because I dislike a lot of popular ones.  I like to pick apart movies, even ones I really love. But I’m not as negative as I seem!

3. I used to drop books in the bathtub. I don’t really use the tub anymore/have a nice one but I still have the curled remains of one of the victims. I also dropped a portable cd player in the bath one time. Luckily it wasn’t dangerous.

When was the last time you cried during a book?

I think it was in The Passage. I was surprisingly leaky in that book! I didn’t expect to grow so fond of the story/characters and care so much about everything.
How many books are on your bedside table?

4! I just cleaned it off! My current read: Horde by Ann Aguirre, When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle, The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding, and the second Dark Tower book, which I am definitely starting after those!

table books


What is your favorite snack to eat while you’re reading?

Lately I haven’t been snacking at all while reading, but probably chips, plain potato chips and dip, or Hershey’s kisses.


Name three books you would recommend to everyone.

1. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

2. Harry Potter! I was a hold out for a long time (I read them in 2012) and they’re so much fun, so people not wanting to be a part of it or just putting it off should just jump in!

3. Um. Lord of the Rings? I have no idea.
Show us a picture of your favorite bookshelf on your bookcase.

Right now I’m living with my amazing sister and her amazing family and haven’t unpacked my books (though I’ve been here long enough that I probably should have) so this is my shelf right now:

messy bookshelf

It’s a mess! The top one is weirdly shorter so the second on usually holds my favorites and right now it has games and my awesome lampshade. The top shelf has the Dark Tower series. Both Raven Cycle books are there because my sister recently read and returned them. My Geography book that needs to be sold is on the top, and my Teen Wolf s1 and s2 dvds are also there. So, it’s not a look at my favorites but it’s a look at something! And the picture is bad because it was my phone and the lighting was weird!
Write how much books mean to you in just three words.

lovely company always  >> ??
What is your biggest reading secret?

Um, I don’t think I really have one? Maybe the amount of smut/romance I read but I don’t think it’s a “secret” I just don’t review it because I am worse at talking about it? Maybe I should try sometime, though.


I hate tagging people because I never feel like anyone will be like “Yay! She tagged me!” So I’m just going to tag Danielle from The Book Barn (whenever she has time) because I think she might actually like to do this and I would enjoy reading her answers. And if you’re interested in filling it out, you can be tagged from me and share your post with me so I can read it because I really enjoy reading them!

6 thoughts on “Tagged – The Book Blogger’s Test

  1. I find it hard to answer these tag questions as well (that’s why it took me weeks to get mine finished), but this sounded too fun to pass up 🙂

    Oh yesss, I don’t like text speak in books either. Overly gushy guys (and the overuse of endearments) never fail to get on my nerves.

    ” weird about spoilers for books I am excited about but don’t really care about random books. But sometimes reading spoilers for books I don’t care about will make me more interested in them.” SAME.

    And I like the books you picked to recommend. Anne of Green Gables and LoTR, especially.

    Dark Tower series ❤

    Haha, I read a lot of (M/M) smut/romance, but it's not really a secret (I don't review them on my blog, but all it takes is one look at my Goodreads shelves, and you'll know that I read a LOT of MM)

    Thanks for doing the tag! 🙂

    • I know you’ve got a lot going on right now! I meant to tweet you to let you know and forgot! But I hope you get to it and enjoy it, I’ll enjoy reading your answers!

  2. Bed is totally the best place to read!
    I love your three words about what books mean to you. That’s really sweet and true 🙂
    I am SO doing these questions soon. Feel free to tag me any time; i need and want to blog more!

  3. Pingback: What’s Happened in June [recap] | A Blighted One

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